Dating and Self-Development For


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Live a life of choice

Honest Signalz wants you to stop being such a pussy and go after what you want in life. Because, life is short. Before you know it, you’ll wake up only to realize that your johnson has given up the fight.

You’ll fondly remember the days when you could actually do something about that beautiful girl in the floral dress instead of just admiring her like a museum artifact. So, stop pissing away your days and get this part of your life handled. Learning how to be successful with women will force you to step up, make you a better person and enrich your life all around.
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Realizing that life’s absurd is not the end.
It’s only the beginning.

Watch and learn

Watch us demonstrate the art (and science) of meeting and attracting women in a way that inspires, educates and entertains.There are many attractive girls in these videos, so please contain yourself and keep your hands above the desk.
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A diamond is merely a lump of coal
that did well under pressure.

World class coaching

Unfortunately girls aren’t going to take the initiative and approach you. Maybe the odd drunk unattractive one will. That means that you’re going to have to grow some balls and do it yourself.

To help you we have a devised a fun, rigorous and highly informative world class coaching program that will lay a solid foundation for your future lays (pun very much intended).
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Only those who risk going too far
can find out how far one can go.

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    We aim to please. We want to leave every panda better off than we found them.
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    Evolve with Honest Signalz today!

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